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Training Programme -
Post Graduate Diploma in Engineering Design & Drafting , Engineering Design & Drafting

Eligibility :

HSC – 50% Science / Commerce / Arts / MCVC.

his Course is built on knowledge, skills and insights from the level one Course into production processes and materials involved in problem solving using high-functioning math and advanced critical thinking skills. This training is useful to design basic products, mechanical parts & chemical process equipment design. This Engineering Design & Drafting Course is an opportunity to apply the academics and develop an understanding of how to develop solution-driven concepts and translate them into a complete set of plans and prototypes.


Key Points of Syllabus :

  • Training on core engineering departments like : Piping, Process,Electrical, Instrumentation, Structural and HVAC
  • English Speaking
  • Personality Development and communication skill
  • Computer aided design – AutoCAD
Piping / Process Drafting  
  • Deliverablesof Piping Department and their use.
  • Understandselection of proper fittings, Requirement of fabrication
  • Requirementof Code and Standards in Piping
  • Preparationof Plot Plan , Preparation of Equipment Layouts
  • Preparationof Piping Layouts , Preparation of Pipe Support Layouts Understand
  • Preparationof Nozzle Orientation Preparation of Construction Isometrics Understand
  • Preparationof As Built Drawings , Preparation of MTO Understand
  • Understandwriting specification while ordering
  • Understand  fabricationand  installation guidelines
Electrical/ Instrumentation Drafting 
  •       Understanding concept of ElectricalSystems Design.
  •       Understanding preparation of Single LineDiagram
  •  UnderstandingPreparation of Bill of Material
  • Understandingconcept of Instruments.
  • Understandingpreparation of Hook Up Diagram
  • Understandingpreparation of Bill of Material
  •  Overviewof International Codes and Standards
Civil/ Structural Drafting
  • UnderstandSelection of Steel Members, requirement of fabrication
  • Requirementof  Code and Standards, Preparation /  Reading of Plot Plan
  • Preparationof  Pipe Supporting and Equipment Supporting Structures
  • Preparationof  Foundation Drawings, Preparation of Pipe Support Drawings
  • Preparationof  Road, Trenches, Dyke Wall drawings ,Preparation of As BuiltDrawings
  • Preparationof  MTO, Understand writing specification while ordering
  • Understand  fabricationand  installation guidelines
  • Understandthe basic design of structures  and structural  elements
HVAC / Mech. Static Drafting
  • Deliverablesof HVAC Department and their use.
  • Understandrequirement of fabrication
  • Understandrequirement of Code and Standards
  • Preparationof Duct Layouts, Preparation of Equipment Layouts
  • Preparationof Chilled Water / Cooling Water Piping Layouts
  • Preparationof Pipe Support Layouts, Preparation of Construction Isometrics
  • Preparationof As Built Drawings, Preparation of MTO
  • Writingspecification while ordering, understand fabrication and installationguidelines


  • To familiarize student primary technique in engineering drafting practices.
  • To discover how products are designed and communicated in the real world.
  • To help students become better designers of machine parts, plant layouts and related services.
  • To use graphic drafting techniques as a tool for communication, visualization, critical thinking & problem solving.
  • To prepare students to meet or surpass the performance competency areas and to the address performance Indicators of State Technology Education Standards.
Batch No.CategoryPlanned Starting DateLast Date of AdmissionCompletion DateDurationTimings
10023 Full Time 01-Aug-2024 25-Jul-2024 31-Jul-2025 1 Year Monday to Saturday 9.00am to 1.00 pm
10024 Full Time 01-Aug-2024 25-Jul-2024 31-Jul-2025 1 Year Monday to Saturday 1.30 pm to 5.30 pm